Positive science of mind is an ever growing field of science of mind and since its ethos is about getting the most out of life, I believe it can be effortlessly used in counselling.
For many years science of mind has focused on looking at problems and looking if whatever can be done about them. As a result so much focus seems to have been on what's wrong rather than what's right with people. Somehow people have come to be victims of their genes and environment and the best they can hope for is to learn how to tread water. inescapable science of mind offers more than this. It teaches people how to swim and to swim well. We don't just have to 'make do'. It recognises that people are capable of real growth and change.
There are many ways inescapable science of mind can be used in counselling and in fact it often flows quite well into widely standard techniques such as explication Focused Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. For instance explication Focused Therapy works to help the client recognise what they are already doing in their life, noting what's best for them and what worked well in the past. Focus is on the explication rather than the problem. Whereas Seligman's work on studying optimism is about recognising unhelpful conception patterns and studying to dispute and replace them. This is a basic aspect of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
Beyond this, inescapable science of mind provides us with an occasion to take care of what is already within the individual, but years of unhappiness and struggle mean the man is no longer able to recognise it. I see inescapable science of mind gift a series of techniques (which have ever growing scientific reserve for) which can help people cope when things go wrong. The ideal would be to learn these techniques whilst things are good, enabling us to effortlessly draw upon them during times of difficulty. This is the ideal. However, by integrating them into therapy an occasion is given to introduce ideas and techniques the client can take with them. That being said, seeking out reserve during difficult times is a basic facet of inescapable Psychology, whether this is through a friend or the aid of a thinking health professional.
Some of the ideas stemming from inescapable science of mind that I think are particular prevalent to counselling include eliciting personal strengths, studying optimism as well as comprehension the conception of operate (i.e. The things we can and cannot operate and what we can do about both). Work on gratitude and forgiveness will both have their place in a counselling environment. However, possibly the most leading conception so vital to inescapable science of mind is the one of hope: the trust that things will get better. If a counsellor has no hope for their client, then what is the point?
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